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Thorny-headed worms


Most of the acanthocephalans in the collection have not yet been processed and identified, and many more are yet to come to this page. On the left is a male of Leptorhynchoides thecatus, a common acanth in sunfishes and black basses. On the right is the proboscis of a species of Neoechinorhynchus, the most speciose genus in the phylum Acanthocephala.

Below is Neoechinorhynchus prolixus, a common parasite of river carpsuckers in the Thicket (Carpiodes carpio). On the left is the anterior 1/3 of a gravid female; in the middle is the proboscis of a female; and on the right is the posterior end of a female, showing the uterine bell and selector aparatus.

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