Scroll down for some pictures of fishes collected from the waters of the Big Thicket National Preserve. Immediately below are links to data files summarizing our work as it regards the fishes, including a running tally of species, numbers of individuals, and localities surveyed for parasites. Unlike most previous surveys of fish parasites, our work institutes stop-rules on survey effort for each fish species so that our efforts are more-or-less uniformly distributed among species, rather than highly concentrated on only those few species that are ubiquitous and abundant.
Database_FishTallyRunning Tally: a spreadsheet file that includes fish species, numbers of fish surveyed for each species, and the localities that have been surveyed, including those that are considered completed under our stop rules. An archive file is here.
Master Host List: a spreadsheet file that includes a running list of host species, number, site, year, etc. for the entire project. An archive file is here.
Database_FishVouchersVouchers: a spreadsheet file that includes the voucher specimens of fishes deposited in the Sam Houston State University Vertebrate Museum. Note: vouchers of fishes remain a work-in-progress. Flood waters in 2015 limited out ability to put up fish host vouchers. An archive file is here.