Below are Readings for HP 305, listed by the number that appears in the syllabus schedule.
Readings 1
1. Unseemly Behavior.
Readings 2
1. Introduction.
Readings 3
1. Coming to the Americas.
2. Hidalgo-Arguello.
3. Bouchet.
Readings 4
1. Chapters 2-4.
2. New York Times.
3. New York Times II.
Readings 5 (none; web material presented in class).
Readings 6
1. Southgate.
2. N’Goran.
3. Vittor.
Readings 7
1. Campbell.
2. Dobyns.
3. Irish Potato Blight.
Readings 8
1. Chapters 6 and 8.
Readings 9
1. Cirillo.
Readings 10
1. Parmet.
2. Annas.
3. Trachtenberg.
Readings 11
1. Poe.
2. Meyers.
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